time:   |   speed: 1
  • alt + z Play/Pause
  • alt + x Go Back 5 Seconds
  • alt + c Go Forward 5 Seconds
  • alt + v Slow Down
  • alt + n Speed Up
  • alt + b Reset Playback Rate
  • alt + t add timestamp to text
  • alt + 1-9 add speaker to text

alt + 1:
alt + 2:
alt + 3:
alt + 4:
alt + 5:
alt + 6:
alt + 7:
alt + 8:
alt + 9:
Note: The opened audio file and typed transcription data in this web application are not stored online in any form.
tordtape.com is a workspace for manual audio transcription created by Tae Prasongpongchai. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me at taepras@gmail.com.

Though this tool is free for both personal and commercial use, there is some cost in maintaining this site. If you want to help, I would really appreciate if you could make a small donation to this project. Thank you :) Thai QR to donate to us
tord-tape-tools v1.1.2 by taepras.